Thursday 8 June 2017

Cool Trader Pro Forex Trading

Cool Trader Pro Review: negociação de ações robóticas Cool Trader Pro foi lançado no início de janeiro de 2012 e é baseado no estado dos EUA da Flórida. Por alguma razão, o endereço comercial Cool Trader Pro fornecido na Flórida parece ser alugado espaço de escritório virtual. Nos vídeos do FAQ da company8217s, a referência é feita a um 8220company headquarters8221 que está sendo ficado situado em Scottsdale, o Arizona. Dirigindo a empresa são co-fundadores Edward Barsano (fundador), Cary Flanders (CEO), Sunil Wadhwa (Presidente) e Nick Rausch (COO). Edward Barsano é o criador da suite de software Cool Trader, que a Cool Trader Pro oportunidade gira em torno. Cary Flanders parece ter um fundo de mercado de ações e indústria de empréstimo: Antes de CoolTraderPro. Mr. Cary Flanders é o Co-Managing Partner da Robotic Trading Systems LLC. Onde é responsável pelas operações do dia-a-dia e pelo desenvolvimento do Automated Capital Systems Hedge Fund. Antes de Robotic Trading Systems, Inc. ele era um parceiro na Ajuda Arizona Realty, onde ele supervisionou as operações do dia-a-dia da compra, reabilitação e revender de venda curta casas negociadas para Investidores Imobiliários. Antes de ajudar a Arizona Realty, ele era proprietário de uma agência da Great Southwest Mortgage (GSM), um escritório de originação de empréstimos residenciais. Em seu mandato com GSM sua filial fechou e financiou sobre 500.000.000 em empréstimos residenciais sobre um período de 7 anos. Nick Rausch é também co-fundador e administrador da Automated Capital Systems, um fundo de hedge privado localizado em Palm Beach, Florida General Partner e Investment Advisor. Ele também atuou como sócio co-gerenciador da Robotic Trading Systems, LLC (RTS) desde abril de 2011. Deixando Sunil Wadhwa para trazer o componente MLM para Cool Trader Pro, com uma história de 25 anos na indústria MLM. Em pesquisar a história de MLM de Wadwha8217s, I8217ve viu seu nome amarrado a Prepaid Legal. Amega Global. Bidify ea Rede Trump. Leia sobre para uma revisão completa do Cool Trader Pro MLM oportunidade de negócio. A Cool Trader Pro Linha de Produtos O Cool Trader Pro oportunidade MLM gira em torno da venda de assinatura para a suíte de software Cool Trade. Cool Trade é de propriedade de 8220CoolTrade Inc8221, dos quais Cool Trader Pro fundador Edward Barsano é o CEO e Presidente da. A maneira mais simples de mapear esse relacionamento é considerar o Cool Trader Pro como uma divisão de marketing da CoolTrade Inc, que também possui o software Cool Trade. Quanto ao software Cool Trade em si, it8217s comercializado como um conjunto de software 8220fully automatizado trading8221. Here8217s como Cool Trade é descrito no site da empresa oficial: O comerciante automatizado começa por si mesmo na parte da manhã, escolhe as ações (com base em suas regras) e os carrega em sua lista de vigiados. Usando a tecnologia de patente pendente, então, monitora o mercado e seus negócios, adicionando e removendo as ações, conforme necessário para scalp lucros 100 por conta própria. Não ser um cara de finanças que eu can8217t realmente comentar sobre a viabilidade do Cool Trade, mas tem sido em torno de 2005, com a empresa alegando contar 8220 milhares de comerciantes em 35 países8221 como assinantes. Eu observo na companhia FAQ que indicam a menos que você tiver 25.000 ou mais em sua conta de troca, você é limitado a 3 8220round-trip8221 comércios (comprar e vender estoques em um único dia) em qualquer período de rolamento de cinco dias ). Quão severamente isso afeta a lucratividade dos assinantes do Cool Trade I8217m não tenho certeza, mas parece bastante restrito (a menos que você tenha mais de 25.000 para jogar). As assinaturas do Cool Trade são vendidas no site da Cool Trade por 3990 USD por ano. Através da Cool Trader Pro MLM oportunidade, Cool Trade subscrições de software são 3500 para o primeiro ano e 125 um mês depois disso. O Cool Trader Pro Plano de Compensação A premissa básica por trás do Cool Trader Pro plano de compensação é que cada venda do software Cool Trade gera 1500 em comissões, quer pago diretamente para a filial que faz a venda ou dividir entre eles e sua upline. Antes de entrar em que, embora we8217ll começar com os requisitos de qualificação da Comissão da oportunidade. Todas as afiliadas da Cool Trader Pro devem deixar passar as comissões de suas três primeiras vendas ou duas vendas se comprarem uma assinatura para a suíte de software Cool Trade. Isso significa efetivamente que Cool Trader Pro está usando uma estrutura de compensação 3up MLM (as comissões sobre as três primeiras vendas são passadas e é necessária antes de uma filial pode ganhar comissões). Depois que um afiliado de Cool Trader Pro se qualificar para comissões, eles são pagos de acordo com a classificação de membro: Associado 8211 500 Associado Sénior 8211 1000 Diretor 8211 1100 Diretor Sênior 8211 1200 Diretor Nacional 8211 1300 Diretor Executivo 8211 1400 Diretor Vice-Presidente 8211 1450 Presidencial Diretor 8211 1500 A qualificação para essas fileiras de sócios é determinada através do uso de uma estrutura de remuneração de nível único. Uma estrutura de compensação de nível único coloca uma filial no topo da estrutura com cada afiliado recrutado pessoalmente colocado diretamente sob eles (nível 1). Cada um desses afiliados recrutados pessoalmente forma uma nova 8220leg8221 e, teoricamente, não há limitações quanto à amplitude de uma estrutura de compensação de nível único (quantos novos afiliados são recrutados). Se qualquer um dos recrutas de nível 1 da Affiliate8217s ir para recrutar novos afiliados de sua própria formam nível 2 da equipe de unilevel original afiliate8217s. Se qualquer nível 2 filiais recrutar novos afiliados que formam nível 3 e assim por diante e assim por diante. Usando esta estrutura, Cool Trader Pro classifica suas afiliadas de acordo com os seguintes critérios de qualificação: Associe 8211 junte-se a Cool Trader Pro como afiliado para 149 Senior Associate 8211 faça 2 vendas de assinatura pessoal 8211 faça 4 vendas de assinatura pessoal e conte uma de sua downline, Ou fazer pelo menos 2 vendas de assinatura pessoal e contar 10 vendas de sua downline (não mais de 60 de vendas contadas podem vir de qualquer perna unilevel) Senior Director 8211 fazer 6 vendas de assinatura pessoal e contar 4 de sua downline, ou fazer pelo menos 3 vendas de assinatura pessoal e contagem de 20 vendas de sua downline Diretor Nacional 8211 fazer 9 vendas de assinatura pessoal e contar 6 de sua downline, ou fazer pelo menos 3 vendas de assinatura pessoal e contar 30 vendas de sua downline Diretor Executivo 8211 fazer 12 vendas de assinatura pessoal e Contar 13 de sua downline, ou fazer pelo menos 3 vendas de assinatura pessoal e contar 50 vendas de sua downline Vice-Pres Identiical Director 8211 fazer 15 vendas de assinatura pessoal e contar 20 de sua downline, ou fazer pelo menos 3 vendas de assinatura pessoal e contar 70 vendas de sua downline Director 8211 fazer 18 vendas de assinatura pessoal e contar 32 de sua downline, ou fazer pelo menos 3 As vendas de assinatura pessoal e contagem de 100 vendas de seu downline Diretor Fast Track Cool Trader Pro filiais são capazes de track8221 seu caminho para a classificação de membro Diretor, fazendo três vendas de assinatura Cool Trade dentro de seus primeiros 30 dias de ingressar na empresa como afiliado. Diretor Presidencial Fast Track Cool Trader Pro afiliados são capazes de 8220fast track8221 o seu caminho para a classificação de membro do Director Presidencial, quer fazendo 12 vendas de assinatura pessoal e contando um adicional de 23 de sua downline dentro de 90 dias de aderir à empresa como afiliado ou ter 3 unilevel (3 associados recrutados pessoalmente) que geraram um total combinado de 70 vendas de subscrição (não mais do que 40 contadas a partir de qualquer perna) dentro de 90 dias de aderir à empresa como uma afiliada Como mencionado anteriormente, Uma filial Cool Trader Pro gera uma comissão 1500, mesmo se a filial que faz a venda não é classificado para ganhar a comissão completa. Nestes casos, a comissão remanescente é passada até a linha ascendente da filial. Conforme os pagamentos da comissão acima, a forma como isso funciona é que a filial que faz a venda é paga em seu nível de comissão. Em seguida, o sistema busca o seu upline para uma filial de maior classificação e uma vez encontrado, eles são pagos a diferença restante de acordo com o seu grau de filiação. Se este afiliado encontrado não é um diretor presidencial paga a diferença entre o afiliado que faz a comissão sale8217s ea comissão total de 1500, o sistema, em seguida, busca novamente para uma filial de maior classificação até que eventualmente um associado presidencial é encontrado e todo o 1500 é pago . Por exemplo. Se um Diretor vende uma assinatura do Cool Trade, eles ganham 1100. Se sua linha ascendente imediata for um Associado Presidencial, eles receberão a diferença restante de 400. Se o restante da linha ascendente for apenas um Diretor Sênior, receberão apenas 100 (a diferença entre 1100 (taxa de comissão de assinatura de Diretor) e 1200 (taxa de comissão de subscrição de Diretor Sénior). O sistema então continuaria a procurar um upline classificado mais alto para distribuir a comissão remanescente restante à esquerda e faria assim até que um associado presidencial fosse encontrado. Isso pode acontecer diretamente se o upline do diretor sênior é associado presidencial classificado ou incrementalmente até que um associado presidencial é eventualmente encontrado. Bônus de trem fresco O bônus de trem fresco é pago para o upline imediato (o afiliado que os recrutou) de qualquer afiliado que faz suas três primeiras passam as vendas. O Cool Train Bonus é pago independentemente de se o upline imediato está qualificado para overrides e é pago em 250 se o upline tem uma assinatura de software Cool Trade e 125 se eles don8217t. Bônus de código legal O bônus de código legal é uma comissão adicional paga nas vendas canceladas de uma nova afiliada Cool Trader Pro. Para se qualificar para o Cool Code Bonus, os afiliados do Cool Trader Pro devem recrutar 2 novos afiliados que tenham atingido a classificação de sócio associado sênior (passaram três comissões de vendas de assinatura). O bônus de Código Cool é distribuído da seguinte forma: Associado Sênior 8211 100 Diretor 8211 125 Diretor Sênior 8211 150 Diretor Nacional 8211 175 Diretor Executivo 8211 200 Diretor Vice-Presidencial 8211 225 Diretor Presidencial 8211 250 Diretor Presidencial Bônus de Geração O Bônus de Geração do Diretor Presidencial é um 300 bônus pago em cada venda de assinatura de software Cool Trade feita por afiliados Cool Trader Pro. A 8220generação8221 dentro do bônus é definida como a obtenção de um Diretor Presidencial dentro de uma perna unilateral individual. Por exemplo. Como afiliado da Cool Trader Pro, as afiliadas encontradas após o Primeiro Associado Presidencial em qualquer uma das suas pernas de nível único são definidas como sua primeira geração. As filiais entre este Associado Presidencial eo próximo são definidas como a segunda geração e assim por diante e assim por diante. Usando este sistema, todas as vendas feitas por afiliadas nestas gerações (até seis) pagam uma comissão da seguinte forma: 1ª geração 100 2ª a 4ª geração 50 5ª e 6ª gerações 25 Juntando-se ao Cool Trader Pro As taxas de adesão da filial para o Cool Trader Pro são Não mencionado em qualquer lugar no site no momento da publicação. Outras pesquisas no entanto revela Cool Trader Pro filiais anunciando o afiliado juntar custo em 149 upfront e, em seguida, 29,95 um mês depois disso. Atualizar 28 de fevereiro de 2014 8211 Cool Trader Pro ainda não divulgar o custo de filiação no seu site, porém mais pesquisas revelam que agora ser livre para se juntar e, em seguida, 19,95 por mês. Conclusão Em primeiro lugar I8217m vai esclarecer que I8217m nenhum estoque ou especialista em finanças e meu conhecimento nesta área é extremamente limitada. Com isso em mente eu posso comentar sobre a utilidade do software Cool Trade em si, além de notar it8217s sido em torno de um tempo e parece ter desfrutado sucesso de vendas moderado antes da criação de Cool Trader Pro. Olhando para a oportunidade Cool Trader Pro de um ponto de vista de negócios MLM, várias questões potenciais surgem. Em primeiro lugar e acima de tudo é a estratégia de marketing utilizada por afiliados eo efeito maior isso pode ter no Cool Trader Pro no longo prazo. Apesar das reivindicações no Cool Trader Pro FAQ que eles não são responsáveis ​​por quaisquer reivindicações suas filiais fazer yada yada yada, o simples fato da questão é que, tanto quanto as autoridades vão, eles são. Todas as empresas de MLM são responsáveis ​​pela conduta de suas afiliadas e pelo tempo e não podemos controlar o que nossos afiliados dizem ou a defesa tem, pelo que eu saiba, nunca levantou. Por que isso é um problema potencial Se olharmos para o que o software Cool Trade realmente faz e como a própria empresa o comercializa, existe um enorme potencial para anunciar os méritos do software em lucros projetados através do uso do software. Here8217s um trecho de Cool Trader Pro si, spruiking uma promoção da filial durante prelaunch (final de 2011): Raramente, se alguma vez, uma tecnologia vir junto com a possibilidade de impacto imediato seu futuro financeiro. Estamos agora naquele momento. E você é um dos poucos afortunados sendo estendido um convite para testemunhar o futuro de primeira mão Imagine ir a Vegas sabendo que você está voltando para casa um vencedor. Imagine saber que suas escolhas do futebol eram vencedores cada fim de semana. Agora imagine o programador mais genial, o guru da tecnologia atrás da Microsoft, que depois de se aposentar com milhões, passou os próximos 12 anos dedicados pessoalmente a escrever mais de 5 milhões de linhas de código para desenvolver o programa mais poderoso já produzido para ajudar a ganhar dinheiro. Basta ligar o computador na segunda-feira de manhã e começar a mudar o seu futuro financeiro E você nem precisa estar lá Faz tudo por você. Uma máquina de dinheiro completamente automatizada, robótica. Uma máquina de dinheiro robótica automatizada 8220 você diz Apesar de não ser explícito em garantir uma renda ou ROI, o tom e atração pretendida do passo de marketing é óbvio. Infact eu encontrei pelo menos dois Afiliados Cool Trader Pro publicamente fazendo as seguintes afirmações Cool Trader Pro é um robô de negociação de ações que tem sido em média cerca de 5-10 cada mês para os últimos 7 anos (Cool Trade) médias 5-10 meses, às vezes mais Se a volatilidade extrema ocorreu o comércio de makescan e os lados da venda Made 20 o lucro em 20 minutos em dia instantâneo do flash O poder do software fresco do comércio pro é entregar o desempenho automatizado Risk-Free em QUAIS de SIX mercados conservados em estoque importantes ao rendimentos consistentes de rendimento de 5- 10 Monthly Estas reivindicações foram feitas no início de dezembro e ainda são publicamente visíveis hoje, apesar de Cool Trader Pro alegando ter um departamento de 8220compliance8221. De importância é o fato de que estas reivindicações aren8217t sendo usado para comercializar a assinatura de software, mas sim o Cool Trader Pro oportunidade MLM renda em si. Com afiliados Cool Trader Pro correndo em torno do marketing na Internet o potencial de ROI do software Cool Trade para atrair novos afiliados, quando combinado com o Cool Trader Pro plano de compensação there8217s uma enorme potencial bandeira vermelha como Cool Trader Pro afiliados são pagos na venda de subscrição Para afiliados recentemente recrutados Cool Trader Pro. Um dos grandes desafios Cool Trader Pro vão enfrentar é manter um cliente afiliado saudável (não afiliado Cool Trade usuário do software). Com tanto a própria empresa e afiliados fortemente comercialização do ROI e potencial de renda do software Cool Trade, eo fato de que afiliados ganhando comissões sobre a venda do software para novos afiliados recrutas só aumenta a probabilidade de que Cool Trader Pro vai ser principalmente Composto por assinantes de software de afiliados. Juntamente com estas questões internas de consumo, projeções de renda, números de ROI cotados e garantias também são grandes bandeiras vermelhas. Marketing de lado, o plano de compensação My Trader Pro também incentiva ativamente afiliados para comprar uma assinatura de software se. Sem uma assinatura novos afiliados estão olhando para passar três comissões de vendas (para recém-recrutar afiliados ou clientes) antes que eles possam ganhar alguma coisa. Com a compra de uma venda da subscrição eles mesmos embora, as filiais deixam cair esta passagem até apenas duas vendas. Além disso, o 8220Cool Train Bonus8221 é inexplicavelmente reduzido para metade se os próprios afiliados não comprarem uma assinatura de software Cool Trade. Eu não posso ver qualquer razão para isso (três vendas é três direito de vendas) para além de incentivar afiliados Cool Trader Pro para comprar uma assinatura Cool Trade-se. Eu acho que o maior problema aqui é que sem uma oportunidade de MLM anexado, it8217s fácil de vender o software Cool Trade sobre os méritos de ser uma ferramenta automatizada de negociação de ações. Adicione uma oportunidade de renda MLM que paga 1500 um pop na venda do software, independentemente de sua venda para clientes de varejo ou afiliados recrutados e como a ferramenta de software é comercializado torna-se muito mais importante. Para ser honesto, eu realmente não vejo como esse tipo de software poderia ser comercializado além dos méritos de seu potencial de renda e rastreado desempenho passado, o que é um problema em si mesmo. Sem mencionar o fato de que se um novo afiliado é vendido em receitas projetadas, ROI e garantias e, em seguida, realmente perde dinheiro 8211 que introduz um conjunto totalmente diferente de questões novamente. Are Cool Trader Pro afiliados vai ser capaz de resistir a vender a oportunidade de renda com base em ROIs projetados e renda através do software Cool Trade Pesquisa atual e leitura de Cool Trader Pro marketing afiliado blogs e páginas de captura de vendas sugere 8220no8221. O potencial para a legitimidade está lá em finalmente quantos subscritores da filial contra subscritores do varejo afiliados frescos de Trader pro atraem, mas para agora I8217d esteja pensando longo e duro sobre começar involvido com a oportunidade de MLM My Trader Pro em um nível da filial. Conteúdo relacionado Eu chequei cuidadosamente o Cool Trader Pro eo software. Eu achei que fosse real e revolucionário. Eu comprei o software e espero construir um negócio ajudando os outros a fazer lucros e construir sua vida novamente. Os bancos e outros investimentos não sequer acompanhar a inflação e de um lado do marketing mais oportunidades de negócios têm serviços ou produtos que são novos. Isto é provado e em um ponto agradável do preço. Wadhwa foi bibi8230 .. eles levantam mais bandeiras vermelhas do que uma praia durante uma categoria 5 hurricane8230 eu haven8217t fui capaz de encontrar qualquer informação sobre Wadhwa deixando Cool Trader Pro, além de notar they8217ve substituiu sua página 8220about us8221 com uma 8220information em breve8221 página. Por que ele parou Ele parecia ser o rosto de MLM da empresa, de modo que nenhuma empresa pequena perda sábio. Por que não entrar em contato com o cara fazendo o negócio Ele fez sua informação de contato público e deve ter a história dentro. Duvido que ele arriscaria seu investimento financeiro em fofocas ou falsas acusações. Algo precisa queimar para criar fumaça. Duvidar os shills postando aqui lhe dará a verdadeira história como eles vomitar mantra corporativa por medo ou auto-preservação. Eu fui um usuário por cerca de dois meses. Eu comércio longo apenas em um IRA. O software tem sido rentável. Isso pode ser uma função do mercado de touro, mas eu tenho feito algumas centenas de dólares por dia, em média. Eu don8217t executar o software se o mercado parece negativo em um determinado dia. Uma grande vantagem é que ele ajuda a resolver o problema comum de hesitar antes de tomar uma posição. A rentabilidade compensa muitos pecados, claro. Há problemas de confiabilidade. O suporte não é muito oportuno. A programação e interface é quase amador considerando que Ed está sendo comercializado como um gênio de programação 8211 é quase como se o designer doesn8217t entender janelas. A escalabilidade é duvidosa, eu tenho uma conta muito substancial (pelo menos considerando os comentários sobre 25K acima) e I8217m não tenho certeza se ele pode ser usado para fazer mais do que algumas centenas por dia. Os estoques de candidatos para o comércio são selecionados por uma tela, e é difícil imaginar a seleção de candidatos com volume suficiente para fazer negociação mais de quinhentas ações em um tiro (todas as ordens são mercado) rentável. Ainda estou na pista para pagar a coisa. Se continuar a ganhar dinheiro feliz, infelizmente não tenho certeza se serei rico. Tanto quanto o software está em causa: Principalmente escrito em V. B. Arquivos de tempo de execução do Visual Basic 6.0 continuam a ser somente de 32 bits e todos os componentes devem ser hospedados em processos de aplicativo de 32 bits. Deve executar o modo de compatibilidade XP a partir do Vista. Necessita de atualização constante, testes e recodificação do servidor final, além de seguir MS recomendado atualizações em client8217s final. Para: Mike McCurdy Você não usou o Cool Trade há algum tempo. Brashly, eu pergunto: o que você está usando (se alguma coisa) Voltar em 1998 8211 2000 Eu experimentei corajosamente com os biggies: Tradestation, Equus, MetaStock todos com resultados mistos. Acho que depois de dois anos eu quase quebrei mesmo (exceto minhas perdas de margem). Tem algo realmente melhorado Com a enorme multiplicação de sites 8220me too8221 como 8220Top dez reviews8221 que realmente não revisar nada (eles apenas coletar chave e adwords), obtendo informações exatas de terceiros é um desafio. O santo Graal é lucro líquido com risco satistically limitado. Estou certamente aberto a idéias, mas não paralisado pela análise. As placas de dardo ainda não funcionam, também. Obrigado. Furacão Chantal Fizzles82308230.warnings ainda em effect82308230 Im um believer grande na diligência devida. Seu site lista co-fundadores Cary Flanders e um Nick Rausch como co-proprietários de um hedge fund muito bem sucedido. Seu co-proprietário de fundo de hedge muito bem sucedido Cary Flanders é nomeado como um réu em algumas ações de tribunal civil em Maricopa County Arizona, Utah etc Enquanto isso: Descubra RV me vendeu um 1995 Ford F250 caminhão de seu lote em El Mirage AZ. Para 14.000 dinheiro. Fui informado que eu teria o título no dia seguinte. Isso foi Jan.14th. 2002. Após chamadas repetidas para o gerente solicitando meu título i foi instucted para chamar o companys advogado no estado de Washington. O advogado da Discovery RV informou-me que o dinheiro que eu tinha pago tinha sido roubado pelos manangers de descobrir RV, e eles estavam arrependidos, mas sem título. Eu entrei em contato com o Arizona DMV que me dirigiu para o Arizona Attorney Generals escritório. A partir deles eu aprendi que Discovery RV tinha arrancado-off 13 pessoas desta maneira para a melodia de 400.000. Neste momento estou fora 14k, tenho um caminhão que eu não posso usar porque eu não posso registrá-lo, ou obter placas. Ninguém no DMV ou AZ advogado gen. Escritório vai me dizer qualquer coisa. É como se tudo caísse em um buraco negro. Número do Processo: CV2002-003290 Juiz: Francês, Colleen Data do Arquivo: 2192002 Localização: Nordeste Tipo de Caso: Civil Informação do Partido Nome do Relacionamento Relações Sexo Advogado William G Beattie Demandado Macho Don Crampton Patsy Ann Beattie Demandante Feminino Don Crampton Discover RV Inc Demandado None Pro Per Cary Flanders Defendant Masculino Pro Per Seu outro co-proprietário de fundo de hedge muito bem sucedido Nick Rausch mostra como o antigo proprietário do Prime Time Lending, um corretor de hipoteca em Scottsdale, AZ e MJM Capital Group ainda outro scam do Arizona imobiliário. Quanto a você Chris, você mostra como um Global Resorts Network Distribuidor vendendo férias em timeshares. Meu conselho gratuito, este é um golpe de um grupo com um histórico de golpes. Aqui está uma rápida revisão da minha experiência usando o programa. Eu sou um afiliado, mas não fez muito sobre promovê-lo e não um único saleconvert é o resultado. I8217m não nele para o MLM, mas se as pessoas querem se inscrever através de mim eu wouldn8217t dizer não, eu seria um lixo uau lixo bonito sobre questões técnicas ou constantes atualizações motivacionais. Se o negócio MLM é bom ou ruim eu não tenho idéia. (Ozedit: Então I8217m que vai pará-lo lá, este isn8217t um local da revisão do software) quanto dinheiro faria exame de você STAB seu melhor amigo na parte traseira. Eu só descobri que ele não tem muito para esse personagem Nick Rausch para fazê-lo. 8230it8217s não difamatório se it8217s a verdade. Por que ninguém mencionou Automated Capital Systems. As mesmas pessoas estão envolvidas8230. Esses caras estão ocupados. Semiopen: Ive sido um usuário por cerca de dois months. I comércio longo apenas em um IRA. O software tem sido rentável. Esta pode ser uma função do mercado de touro, mas eu tenho feito algumas centenas de dólares por dia em média. Eu não executar o software se o mercado parece negativo em um determinado dia. Eu concordo principalmente com semiopen. Eu tenho usado CoolTradePro por cerca de 3 meses. Nossos resultados foram modestos. Y Concordo com a opinião de semiopen8217s. Eu tenho usado CoolTradePro por cerca de 3 meses. Meus resultados foram uma perda modesta, mas com promessa no mercado certo. Meus resultados (e everyone8217s) dependem inteiramente do programa de negociação e condições que são definidas, e sobre a confiabilidade do programa. CoolTrade estratégias são altamente personalizáveis, embora não para um rank amador para entender facilmente. O sistema vem com estratégias pré-carregadas para novatos para experimentar. Meu problema com o CoolTrader é o quebra, conflitos e falta de confiabilidade do programa. Como pontos semiopen, o software parece amador, e que parece refletir a programação subjacente também. I8217ve teve que fazer inúmeras chamadas de suporte técnico. O sistema começará automaticamente como é suposto, ou quando começa então falha. Começou a interface do corretor como it8217s suposto a, assim requerendo o babysitting na manhã. I8217ve tomado para chamá-lo 8220Crueltrader8221. Se eles melhoraram a confiabilidade do software e problemas de inicialização eu poderia recomendá-lo, mas há muitos puxando o cabelo questões (especialmente para o preço que eles querem cobrar) para recomendar Cooltrade. I8217ve negociado em tempo integral por 13 anos, e tem bom conhecimento de sistemas de negociação e pacotes de software. Se alguém acha que os 8220systems8221 como aqueles promovidos pela CoolTrade podem ganhar dinheiro consistentemente, então eles precisam de sua cabeça examinada. Há um sucker nascido a cada minuto. Concordo com Rick, e apesar de ter sorte de tenho o meu dinheiro original fora dele, dependendo de como se olha para as questões fiscais. Eu também tenho que concordar com Dave Martin8217s comentários. É uma deficiência mental que me fez comprar 8211 felizmente eu posso viver com este 8211, mas tem que classificar como uma das dez coisas mais idiotas que fiz como um comerciante. Eu acho que o software geralmente vai ganhar dinheiro se for executado em dias que o mercado é forte. No entanto, as comissões são uma verdadeira questão. Eu uso Interactive corretores e configurar uma conta no TD Ameritrade para executá-lo com a promoção de 1000 e 300 comércios livre. Eles me cobraram comissões regulares por engano por algumas semanas e minha conta wasn8217t rentável até que apoiou as comissões. Teoricamente, as comissões no TD são negociáveis ​​com o volume extra que o software gera, mas duvido que possam ser boas o suficiente para ganhar dinheiro. Há uma antiga metade preço ofertas que utilizado para, mas que doesn8217t parecem o suficiente para mim. Eu também troquei no IB onde as comissões dão uma chance de lutar para ganhar dinheiro. No entanto, o software tem um defeito onde doesn8217t registrar vende quando eliminar posições no IB no final do dia. Estes têm de ser tratadas por um procedimento manual que é muito demorado e irritante. Suporte técnico incrivelmente didn8217t acho que este era um bug, o ponto inteiro da coisa é que ele é suposto para executar autônoma. Isso foi há vários meses e eu poderia baixar uma nova versão um desses dias para ver se eles corrigiram isso. No momento, porém, I8217m apenas feliz a experiência é longo. Eu abri uma conta com 9925 nele No final de setembro de 2013 É agora vale 7785. Foi dito que eu deveria facilmente fazer 7 a 10 por mês usando o system8230 Não Quite Tinha muitas questões técnicas e foi tudo culpa minha . O que um monte de BS. Eu acho que se você tiver 25k e pela blue chips você pode ter uma chance. WTC. Eu abri uma conta com 9925 nele No final de setembro de 2013 É agora vale 7785. Foi dito que eu deveria facilmente fazer 7 a 10 por mês usando o sistema Não Quite você está dizendo que você enviou 9925 em 8220CASH8221 e agora Têm um 8220ACCOUNT8221 vale 7785. IOW, eles têm o dinheiro e você tem números em uma tela. Obrigado a todos que tomaram o tempo para escrever e rever este sistema de comércio. Eu tenho uma chamada sobre isso hoje à noite, mas a venda dura sempre joga bandeiras vermelhas para mim. Disse ao vendedor que eu não tomaria uma decisão sem mais pesquisas. Todos vocês me disseram o que eu precisava saber. Ajuda muito quando as pessoas compartilham suas experiências, boas e ruins Obrigado novamente. Minha mãe acabou de me informar que comprou o Cool Trader Pro (por 3 anos de uso) por 3500 2 semanas atrás e. Ela também é um agente com um log-in para o seu local de treinamento e foi dito que ela faz 800 de uma venda. Não consegui encontrar o link que eles prometem para fazer o download do CoolTrade assim que eu apenas os enviei por e-mail. Ela pagou através do PayPal, que tem proteção do comprador. Ela pensa que não é uma farsa porque, se fosse, eles wouldn8217t ter dado webinars de treinamento on-line (que provavelmente não são realmente ao vivo em tudo) ou gastou tanto tempo com ela no telefone. Ela diz que lhe disseram que o marketing MLM não era adequado para o seu produto, então eles pararam de fazer isso. Eles disseram a ela que ela vai fazer seu 1 a 2 por mês em comércios. No entanto, os comentários aqui indicam que as comissões pagas ao TD ameritrade etc. COMA QUE GANHAR É isso correto E os impostos Foram os comentários negativos sobre falhas de software e falha e problemas de compatibilidade sobre uma versão antiga ou sobre o atual Cool Trade Pro So8230 todos 8220almost8221 Quebra mesmo ou perde um par de mil Eu vi um artigo de junho de 2013 que diz que a negociação de computador de alta freqüência não é mais lucrativo. Será que funciona no mercado atual eu realmente aprecio se alguém pode me dizer se eu deveria entrar em contato com paypal para obter seu dinheiro de volta ASAP POR FAVOR AJUDA Obrigado Depois de assistir a 5 vídeos de treinamento e tomar notas sobre Ordens Limite, Stop Loss, Trailing Stop, Shorting, ETS, 50 amp 200 dias de média móvel, 12 amp26 dia EMA, MACD, etc8230 Estou muito interessado em entrar em negociação COM PEQUENAS QUANTIDADES DE DINHEIRO PARA APRENDER (mesmo em um modo MANUAL) porque eu amo números e sou muito analítico etc8230 Na verdade, eu sempre tive 8220a feeling8221 que eu seria bom na negociação de ações. Então, existe um bom programa para usar que doesn8217t custo 3500 ou devo apenas assinar acima com TD ameritrade e fazê-lo manualmente eu realmente aprecio se alguém pode me dizer se eu deveria entrar em contato com paypal para obter o seu dinheiro de volta ASAP POR FAVOR AJUDA Agradecer Você TANTO Minha mãe NÃO tem 3.500 para lose8230 ela teria que padrão em seu cartão de crédito CTP é um scam bullst executar por trapaceiros. Comprar e 8220maybe8221 vender isn8217t uma estratégia de investimento. Você está assumindo um tremendo risco e nem sequer sabe devido a sua contabilidade bullst. Seus relatórios são inúteis, pois eles só mostram lucro e não mark-to-mark perda de lucro em posições totais. This is the scam that 8220affiliates8221 show to newbieschum. Also, their 8220no refund8221 policy sets it up as ponzipyramid scheme. They take in cash up front and never have to payout refunds or even offer a review period. What legit provider does this NONE. Imagine the cash they made-3,0004,000 a pop, cancelled the MLM business, didn8217t pay out refunds or commissions and just walked away from all the bullsht. Reason you don8217t see much negativity about them is that most people feel stupid and cheated by them. They are embarrassed to report this to authorities, families or friends. All the 8220good8221 things reported are shills, employees at 8220headquarters8221 or fake identities made up by the ownersemployees. Internet can make you look bigger than you really are. 7 Robo Advisors That Make Investing Effortless 8211 Forbes: 8220Jack Hirshout8221 appears to be a an astroturfer plant. He or she attempted to leave additional flattering comments under a different name, with a completely different backstory. I8217ve as such removed all comments by this individual, including replies. Matt . SHE thinks it is not a scam because, if it were, they wouldnt have given her online training webinars (which are probably not really LIVE at all) or spent so much time with her on the phone. That8217s EXACTLY WHY they WOULD spend so much time with her on the phone8230 They can squeeze 3500 out of her for less than a hour8217s work and some crappy Youtube videos. Even if they have to split it couple different ways it8217s still a good payday, and make her feel NOT cheated. Search 8220The Verge Syndicate8221 which should take you to 8220The Verge8221 website8217s article on this syndicate of online scammers who has a clique of such scammers whose only job is to squeeze money out of old and sick people who can8217t afford to lose money in hopes of making more. They have a boilerhouse full of these cold callers who will offer discounts, additional training, bonus seminars, etc. etc. just to keep you on the line and give them your credit card. Thanks to K Chang for the link. These CTP clowns wish that they were as slick as the Syndicate boys8230. What a bunch of whiners You can8217t blame cool trade for losing money. Blame the strategy you pick I8217ve been simulating For 1.5 years and have never lost. I8217ve manually closed trades and some have come behind But that8217s why you have to test strategies to find something you like or works If you are worried about a measly 4 grand then get a job a Walmart and don8217t take any risks. You won8217t gain a thing being a depressing negative user. Tim . Ive been simulating For 1.5 years and have never lost. Wait, does that mean you8217ve been paying 4K for nothing Tim : Ive been simulating For 1.5 years and have never lost. Neither have I. I have been simulating investments for several years, and I have never lost anything. Wow, never would have joined Cool Trade Pro don8217t like MLM Tim is right you have to test, although 1.5 years is way too long. Be conserved in the be early stages. Use Dow 30 with a low stop loss. they have worked out the bugs and no complaints. The last correction made the trader alot of money. The biggest problem is GREED you want to make too much money too soon. IT WON8217T HAPPEN. Be smart and pick a strategy that doesn8217t take a lot of risk. as for cool trade pro I have heard nothing but negative comments and they sound like crooks. don8217t like the comp plan and would have never joined. but they are now giving the company a bad name. hope is all works out for you mlmers. I used CoolTtade for almost two years with poor results, and then I dropped it. First of all, the software is OLD, dog slow, and a major bloatwear memory hog. Because of this, it crashes often, even on a high-end machine. The strategies one can build rely upon fundamental analysis primarily, and the most rudimentary of indicators. There are no advanced indicators or methods like Fibonnaci, Channeling or trend lines. The software is so slow, that a rapidly moving market will blow past your stop loss, causing you to lose a LOT more than you expected. The customer support SUCKED, and the user forum was dead. It takes MONTHS of strategy testing to get a reasonable outcome. Most strategies require a lot of cash just to make a little cash. The built-in strategies are simplistic and mediocre at best. CootTrade used to charge 39 per month 4 years ago. That8217s right 8211 you read me correctly. THIRTY-NINE DOLLARS PER MONTH. I couldn8217t believe Ed is now charging 3,990 up front for a yearly subscription just a few years and no real improvements later Ed had a heavily revolving door because most people couldn8217t make it work, and they dropped the program. SAVE YOUR MONEY DO NOT SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PROGRAM AT THIS PRICE You will be wasting the first several months trying to get it to go live with some profit. Leave a Reply. QUOTE (mannydas 064 Nov 28 2012, 095802 AM) Is anyone familiar with this software quotCOOL TRADER PROquotwith profitable trades almost all the time. It is an expensive software though. QUOTE (mannydas 064 Nov 28 2012, 095802 AM) Is anyone familiar with this software quotCOOL TRADER PROquotwith profitable trades almost all the time. It is an expensive software though. I had a person named Greg, tell me about this program. He invited me to connect up to his computer so that I can see exactly how it worked. As you may know CoolTraderPro is The ONLY Fully Automated Stock Trading Software. While many other programs may claim that they have something similar nothing else is 100 fully automated and has artificial intelligence. I believe that there are 5,000,000 lines of codes in the software created by a former Microsoft Programming Genius33 The most amazing thing was to see how much better the CoolTraderPro software worked as opposed to holding a stock. For example: if you were to buy and hold IBM stock for five years, you would have earned 0367,839. By using the power of CoolTraderPro, you would have done 288 trades, all automatically and all hands off and made a nice tidy profit of 03656,926.3633 That is 7.26 times more profit in the same period, with no more work or effort. The same thing goes for Apple. Buy-and-hold that stock for five years and you would39ve earned just shy of 03637,000. Using CoolTraderPro, you would have done 260 trades, again hands off an automatic for a nice tidy profit of 036132,221.44 or 3 12 times the profit of buying and holding. The last and probably the best example that I saw was 3M. Buying in holding that stock for five years would only have netted you 036413. However using CoolTraderPro, you would have done 198 trades and amassed 03629,045.723333 That is a whopping 70 times more profit than if you were to buy-and-hold the stock33 What is also amazing, is that they will display the top five producers and their results (assuming that they are willing to have them displayed otherwise it is kept private). They will show you how many trades they made and how many were profitable and how many were losses plus the total net profit or loss and what the overall percentage was. You can copy what they are doing 100. This is called Strategy sharing that lets you use strategies developed for public use or to be modified any way you like. It costs about 036100 a month to get the feeds from the brokerage house in order to run all of the programs on cool trade, but that is free for any purchase made before 121212. That is a savings of at least 036600033 For sure it is a moneymaker and you should recoup your investment in no time at all33 What is nice, is that this program searches all of the stocks on the market and using that criteria that you set (or use from someone else or what is built into toe program) it will select the stocks that you purchase. It turns itself on in the morning, make any purchases that need to be made (can be short or long) and then sells the stocks when needed, all without putting one finger to anything. The program turns itself off at night and then restarts the next morning for another day of profits33 This website has a little bit of an overview on the product but you can also go to YouTube and watch one of their videos, which shows the Have a look at CoolTraderPro(dot)us and be sure to click on the testimonials link. There is a pretty good overview of the software there. Also watch the video at YouTube. Simply do a search for CoolTraderPro, Flash Crash Day. This was the day in May 2010 when the stock market fluctuated by 1000 points in just a short period of time. the market dropped by almost 1000 points and then recovered again in just 30 min. Where else or how else could you liquidate 81 short positions and take a prophet and is 20 min.3333 If you weren39t utilizing a robotic trader like this one, you could have never taken advantage of this opportunity33 There is also a tremendous opportunity to earn your nest egg for investing, by sharing this program with others. QUOTE (aware 064 Dec 4 2012, 115829 AM) I had a person named Greg, tell me about this program. He invited me to connect up to his computer so that I can see exactly how it worked. As you may know CoolTraderPro is The ONLY Fully Automated Stock Trading Software. While many other programs may claim that they have something similar nothing else is 100 fully automated and has artificial intelligence. I believe that there are 5,000,000 lines of codes in the software created by a former Microsoft Programming Genius33 The most amazing thing was to see how much better the CoolTraderPro software worked as opposed to holding a stock. For example: if you were to buy and hold IBM stock for five years, you would have earned 0367,839. By using the power of CoolTraderPro, you would have done 288 trades, all automatically and all hands off and made a nice tidy profit of 03656,926.3633 That is 7.26 times more profit in the same period, with no more work or effort. The same thing goes for Apple. Buy-and-hold that stock for five years and you would39ve earned just shy of 03637,000. Using CoolTraderPro, you would have done 260 trades, again hands off an automatic for a nice tidy profit of 036132,221.44 or 3 12 times the profit of buying and holding. The last and probably the best example that I saw was 3M. Buying in holding that stock for five years would only have netted you 036413. However using CoolTraderPro, you would have done 198 trades and amassed 03629,045.723333 That is a whopping 70 times more profit than if you were to buy-and-hold the stock33 What is also amazing, is that they will display the top five producers and their results (assuming that they are willing to have them displayed otherwise it is kept private). They will show you how many trades they made and how many were profitable and how many were losses plus the total net profit or loss and what the overall percentage was. You can copy what they are doing 100. This is called Strategy sharing that lets you use strategies developed for public use or to be modified any way you like. It costs about 036100 a month to get the feeds from the brokerage house in order to run all of the programs on cool trade, but that is free for any purchase made before 121212. That is a savings of at least 036600033 For sure it is a moneymaker and you should recoup your investment in no time at all33 What is nice, is that this program searches all of the stocks on the market and using that criteria that you set (or use from someone else or what is built into toe program) it will select the stocks that you purchase. It turns itself on in the morning, make any purchases that need to be made (can be short or long) and then sells the stocks when needed, all without putting one finger to anything. The program turns itself off at night and then restarts the next morning for another day of profits33 This website has a little bit of an overview on the product but you can also go to YouTube and watch one of their videos, which shows the Have a look at CoolTraderPro(dot)us and be sure to click on the testimonials link. There is a pretty good overview of the software there. Also watch the video at YouTube. Simply do a search for CoolTraderPro, Flash Crash Day. This was the day in May 2010 when the stock market fluctuated by 1000 points in just a short period of time. the market dropped by almost 1000 points and then recovered again in just 30 min. Where else or how else could you liquidate 81 short positions and take a prophet and is 20 min.3333 If you weren39t utilizing a robotic trader like this one, you could have never taken advantage of this opportunity33 There is also a tremendous opportunity to earn your nest egg for investing, by sharing this program with others. thanks ben for the info. how much is the minimum amount to trade with cooltraderpro amp still be able to maximize its potential if i only have 0362000 -- can it still yield 5-10 profits thx. QUOTE (mlv77 064 Dec 4 2012, 025848 PM) thanks ben for the info. how much is the minimum amount to trade with cooltraderpro amp still be able to maximize its potential if i only have 0362000 -- can it still yield 5-10 profits thx. First of all, I want to say that I was coming back here to edit this post but I cannot find a way to do that because I was using Dragon NaturallySpeaking to type this - so although it was very natural and my thoughts instead of something already typed up, there is a typo in the third last line. It currently says. quotWhere else or how else could you liquidate 81 short positions and take a prophet and is 20 min.3333quot It should have said, quotWhere else are how else could you liquidate 81 short positions and take a profit in 20 min Normally you have to hold the stock and a short position for a very long length of time to take a profit. Dragon is pretty good at typing but not very good at grammar3333. To answer your question, are you aware of the fact that the program is 0363500 So are you saying that after that you have 0362000 to invest If that is the case, I would use their VERY popular quotstocks under 0362 dollarsquot built-in program. It is extremely profitable. As I mentioned above, you also have the opportunity to share this with others and earn money towards your investment nest egg. You don39t have to be a marketer just share it with other folks who would be excited about earning the kind of money33 Group: Member Posts: 119 Joined: 21-September 12 From: Florida, USA Member No.: 486,784 It appears that you yourself do not own the program or used the program. May be you or your your friend can answer the information I would like to know. 1. Is the program easy, and user friendly to use 2. How much money do you need to trade to be worthwhile Each round trade will cost me 03620 with my current broker. 3. How many accounts can you use to trade with the Cool Trader Pro software I have 2 IRA accounts with with cash available of approximately 0364K. 4. Do I need to open new brokerage account or the program can be linked to existing account(s) 5. Are there any recurring monthly fees after the purchase of the program (I guess it is 036100 a month if not purchased by 121212) 6. Cost of the program is 0363500, which is a bit expensive. If I buy the program through your friend, is it possible that he can reimburse me his commission Temporarily, if not permanently in view of the fact that I already lost a considerable amount of money in several programs (ZeekRewards, Bidify etc.), I am still trying. b EPXTrader Forex trading with 20 year history, hands off trading EPX Body (What if FAILURE is not an option) You can buy your downline aware View Member Profile Dec 7 2012, 06:39 PM Group: Member Posts: 16 Joined: 4-December 12 Member No.: 496,123 QUOTE (mannydas 064 Dec 6 2012, 105806 AM) It appears that you yourself do not own the program or used the program. May be you or your your friend can answer the information I would like to know. 1. Is the program easy, and user friendly to use 2. How much money do you need to trade to be worthwhile Each round trade will cost me 03620 with my current broker. 3. How many accounts can you use to trade with the Cool Trader Pro software I have 2 IRA accounts with with cash available of approximately 0364K. 4. Do I need to open new brokerage account or the program can be linked to existing account(s) 5. Are there any recurring monthly fees after the purchase of the program (I guess it is 036100 a month if not purchased by 121212) 6. Cost of the program is 0363500, which is a bit expensive. If I buy the program through your friend, is it possible that he can reimburse me his commission Temporarily, if not permanently in view of the fact that I already lost a considerable amount of money in several programs (ZeekRewards, Bidify etc.), I am still trying. First, let me tell you that I am purchasing the software myself because I see this is the true way to have total financial independence33 I have already put in my notice with the company I39m working for now. My business partner and myself have set up an account to sell the software with the parent company. Yes, the program is extremely easy to use and is very user-friendly. The best part is that you can use the existing built-in programs and you can also use programs that other people are using, that you can download. These are made available from the folks that are doing well and are willing to show what they are doing including profit per day. Profit per trade, total amount invested, and so forth. You can copy exactly everything they do, lock, stock and barrel. There really is no need to learn anything other than how to turn your computer on33 ) As you are probably aware, iIt will pay many times more than an investment account or an IRA will and you can even pull your money out of that without penalty and have full control over it. Think back to that fateful day in May 2010 when the market dropped 1000 points and then recovered almost as quickly again, and less than 30 min. many people lost fortunes but those people that use our program were making money all this time selling 81 positions short and taking a profit, instead of losing money as most people did that day33 It would take a staff of hundreds of brokers, working only for you, to monitor these traits - let alone find the stocks to trade and decide to trade in short and quick manner. It just simply cannot be done without the artificial intelligence of the software and a computer to execute the trades, without emotion, in mere seconds. I would look at the quottwo dollars and under strategyquot which is included as part of this program. You can view the video here and it will also show you some reports as to how much you make on each trade or each day. Trading Strategies After December 12, there will be a fee of 036125 a month, for the feed to the software. This makes it imperative that you recover that money before you start making a profit. Earning 10 per month you would need a 0361250 nest egg, to start. Earning 5 on month you would need a 0362500 nest egg to start. This is just to cover your expense per month. However, if you were to purchase before the 12th of December, that cost is zero for the next five years, saving you an astounding 0367500. Over the next five years. The cost of the software divided over five years is only 036700 a year, which is very easy to recover - almost a non-issue. You need to decide how much money you need to make per month and then to be conservative you need to multiply that amount by 20, in order to get your total nest eggs needed to earn that amount at only 5 a month. If you double that, then of course you would earn double the amount you say that you need per month33 As a FAQ says, quotA conservative trader can start with as little as a few thousand dollars. quot FAQ When you have an opportunity please review these very short videos: Short Videos With the new pay plan that is coming out, it looks like we may be having to give 50 of the profit from our first two sales to our outline - so there is not much room to offer anything to you, as I also have to share it with my business partner.. I guarantee that you39ll be astounded by the power of the software and it will beat ZeekRewards and Bidify hands down - no question33 The inventor stated that he wrote the software, duplicating one of these programs that is out there, in just one day33 Simulator mode is probably the most power thing you can have because you can trade before investing even a dime of your money. You can be sure that the program works just as we say it does33 Come on board and let39s start making money for a change33 Please purchase from me at cooltraderproBeatTheStreet. asp. My up line is right next to the company and is very knowledgeable and powerful and will be more than happy to assist you with any questions you have. If you want to talk, please send me your phone number and I will call you. Please use the e-mail address on my website, by clicking the contact button. My partners phone number is also on the website at cooltraderpro(dot)comBeatTheStreet. asp QUOTE (mannydas 064 Dec 6 2012, 105806 AM) It appears that you yourself do not own the program or used the program. May be you or your your friend can answer the information I would like to know. 1. Is the program easy, and user friendly to use 2. How much money do you need to trade to be worthwhile Each round trade will cost me 03620 with my current broker. 3. How many accounts can you use to trade with the Cool Trader Pro software I have 2 IRA accounts with with cash available of approximately 0364K. 4. Do I need to open new brokerage account or the program can be linked to existing account(s) 5. Are there any recurring monthly fees after the purchase of the program (I guess it is 036100 a month if not purchased by 121212) 6. Cost of the program is 0363500, which is a bit expensive. If I buy the program through your friend, is it possible that he can reimburse me his commission Temporarily, if not permanently in view of the fact that I already lost a considerable amount of money in several programs (ZeekRewards, Bidify etc.), I am still trying. First, let me tell you that I am purchasing the software myself because I see this is the true way to have total financial independence33 I have already put in my notice with the company I39m working for now. My business partner and myself have set up an account to sell the software with the parent company. Yes, the program is extremely easy to use and is very user-friendly. The best part is that you can use the existing built-in programs and you can also use programs that other people are using, that you can download. These are made available from the folks that are doing well and are willing to show what they are doing including profit per day. Profit per trade, total amount invested, and so forth. You can copy exactly everything they do, lock, stock and barrel. There really is no need to learn anything other than how to turn your computer on33 As you are probably aware, iIt will pay many times more than an investment account or an IRA will and you can even pull your money out of that without penalty and have full control over it. Think back to that fateful day in May 2010 when the market dropped 1000 points and then recovered almost as quickly again, and less than 30 min. many people lost fortunes but those people that use our program were making money all this time selling 81 positions short and taking a profit, instead of losing money as most people did that day33 It would take a staff of hundreds of brokers, working only for you, to monitor these traits - let alone find the stocks to trade and decide to trade in short and quick manner. It just simply cannot be done without the artificial intelligence of the software and a computer to execute the trades, without emotion, in mere seconds. I would look at the quottwo dollars and under strategyquot which is included as part of this program. You can view the video here and it will also show you some reports as to how much you make on each trade or each day. Trading Strategies After December 12, there will be a fee of 036125 a month, for the feed to the software. This makes it imperative that you recover that money before you start making a profit. Earning 10 per month you would need a 0361250 nest egg, to start. Earning 5 on month you would need a 0362500 nest egg to start. This is just to cover your expense per month. However, if you were to purchase before the 12th of December, that cost is zero for the next five years, saving you an astounding 0367500. Over the next five years. The cost of the software divided over five years is only 036700 a year, which is very easy to recover - almost a non-issue. You need to decide how much money you need to make per month and then to be conservative you need to multiply that amount by 20, in order to get your total nest eggs needed to earn that amount at only 5 a month. If you double that, then of course you would earn double the amount you say that you need per month33 As a FAQ says, quotA conservative trader can start with as little as a few thousand dollars. quot FAQ When you have an opportunity please review these very short videos: Short Videos With the new pay plan that is coming out, it looks like we may be having to give 50 of the profit from our first two sales to our outline - so there is not much room to offer anything to you, as I also have to share it with my business partner.. I guarantee that you39ll be astounded by the power of the software and it will beat ZeekRewards and Bidify hands down - no question33 The inventor stated that he wrote the software, duplicating one of these programs that is out there, in just one day33 Simulator mode is probably the most power thing you can have because you can trade before investing even a dime of your money. You can be sure that the program works just as we say it does33 Come on board and let39s start making money for a change33 Please purchase from me at cooltraderproBeatTheStreet. asp. My up line is right next to the company and is very knowledgeable and powerful and will be more than happy to assist you with any questions you have. If you want to talk, please send me your phone number and I will call you. Please use the e-mail address on my website, by clicking the contact button. My partners phone number is also on the website at cooltraderpro(dot)comBeatTheStreet. asp QUOTE (aware 064 Dec 7 2012, 065839 PM) First, let me tell you that I am purchasing the software myself because I see this is the true way to have total financial independence33 I have already put in my notice with the company I39m working for now. You know, I first heard about this from one of the foremost network marketing professionals who is close to the CEOs of this company and because I am so jaded by the programs that have been shoved my way over the last year I half believed what he was saying. But I may have missed a very good opportunity to get involved at the right time because I was so jaded. Aware, you are really quitting your job to go at this full time You know, if the product is as good as they say it is then it would sell itself and a person would not have to be a very good salesman to sell it. Any chance they will make an exception for the jaded people like me and give us the pre 121212 deal Offshore Company Setup For PayPal, Ebay, Amazon - This Is Not My Website33 Average Amazon PAC Student Makes 80K Per Year . - No down line needed like DSD33 Group: Member Posts: 16 Joined: 4-December 12 Member No.: 496,123 QUOTE (WealthySovereign 064 Dec 22 2012, 015850 AM) You know, I first heard about this from one of the foremost network marketing professionals who is close to the CEOs of this company and because I am so jaded by the programs that have been shoved my way over the last year I half believed what he was saying. But I may have missed a very good opportunity to get involved at the right time because I was so jaded. Aware, you are really quitting your job to go at this full time You know, if the product is as good as they say it is then it would sell itself and a person would not have to be a very good salesman to sell it. Any chance they will make an exception for the jaded people like me and give us the pre 121212 deal I did e-mail and other person who asked the same question, and YES, and I am more willing to offer you the same deal 036500 rebate on the purchase of the software. Yes, it is terrible to be jaded cause you miss out on great opportunities but I understand and I want you to know that the offer for for five years of feeds is totally free for those who were on the webinar yesterday - which I was, so I can offer that to you. So now you can get the same deal as we had before with 0366000 in subscriptions for free. Their first year is always free, so the next four years is free as well. 48 months times 036125 equals 0366000 in savings33 Yes, I am totally committed to quitting my job had of already told the company that I work for. I am going to trade full-time, with the software. I am even more excited about it now, after watching the training webinar yesterday. It became crystal clear to me that there is virtually no way that you can lose with this software. It will always take a profit when it reaches the profit level that you assign. If you have the stock and a long position and the stock price drops, it will continue adding to your position, in order to cost average the share price as it drops. When the stock rebounds, as they always do, you will make even more profit as it rises. If the software determines that this stock is in a downward trend, it will short the stock, and you will sell it when it reaches the lowest position, earning you profit, always. You can even trade just one stock and make money. They have a software strategy, the Halliburton, which does exactly that. The also recommended three or four other stocks that you can trade equally well. Please let me know when you sign up and purchase the software. Please e-mail me back with your mailing address, so that I can send you a check. If you prefer PayPal, I can do that as well33 Again, my website address to purchase the software is cooltraderproBeatTheStreet. asp Simply click on the sign up link, which will sign you up as a distributor for free, until December 31st. even if you only plan to sell one copy of the software at any time later, you would be well off to take advantage of this opportunity to save 036150 which is the cost to sign up as a distributor. Once you click continue, you will have logged into your own website that was automatically created, where you can purchase the software. My personal website, which is only software related and does not have anything about the opportunity to resell it, is now at automatedtrading. usCool Trader Pro Review: Robotic Stock Trading Cool Trader Pro was launched early January 2012 and is based in the US state of Florida. For some reason the provided Cool Trader Pro corporate address in Florida appears to be rented virtual office space. In the company8217s FAQ videos, reference is made to a 8220company headquarters8221 being located in Scottsdale, Arizona. Heading up the company are co-founders Edward Barsano (founder), Cary Flanders (CEO), Sunil Wadhwa (President) and Nick Rausch (COO). Edward Barsano is the creator of the software suite Cool Trader, which the Cool Trader Pro opportunity revolves around. Cary Flanders appears to have a stock market and loan industry background: Prior to CoolTraderPro. Mr. Cary Flanders is the Co-Managing Partner of Robotic Trading Systems LLC. where he is responsible for day to day operations and the development of Automated Capital Systems Hedge Fund. Prior to Robotic Trading Systems, Inc. he was a partner in Help Arizona Realty where he oversaw the day to day operations of the buy, rehab and resell of short sale negotiated homes for Real Estate Investors. Prior to Help Arizona Realty he was a branch owner of Great Southwest Mortgage (GSM), a residential loan origination office. In his tenure with GSM his branch closed and funded over 500,000,000 in residential loans over a 7 year period. Nick Rausch also has a background in finance and robotic trading, Nick Rausch is co-founder and managing member of Automated Capital Systems a private hedge fund located in Palm Beach, Florida General Partner and the Investment Advisor. He has also served as a co-managing partner of Robotic Trading Systems, LLC (RTS) since April 2011. Leaving Sunil Wadhwa to bring the MLM component to Cool Trader Pro, with a purported 25 year history in the MLM industry. In researching Wadwha8217s MLM history, I8217ve seen his name tied to Prepaid Legal. Amega Global. Bidify and the Trump Network. Read on for a full review of the Cool Trader Pro MLM business opportunity. The Cool Trader Pro Product Line The Cool Trader Pro MLM opportunity revolves around the sale of subscription for the Cool Trade software suite. Cool Trade is owned by 8220CoolTrade Inc8221, of which Cool Trader Pro founder Edward Barsano is the CEO and President of. The simplest way to map out this relationship is to consider Cool Trader Pro to be a marketing division of CoolTrade Inc, who also own the Cool Trade software. As for the Cool Trade software itself, it8217s marketed as a 8220fully automated trading8221 software suite. Here8217s how Cool Trade is described on the official company website: The automated trader starts by itself in the morning, picks the stocks (based on your rules) and loads them into your watchlist. Using patent-pending technology, it then monitors the market and your trades, adding and removing shares as needed to scalp profits 100 on its own. Not being a finance guy I can8217t really comment on the viability of Cool Trade but it has been around since 2005, with the company claiming to count 8220thousands of traders in 35 countries8221 as subscribers. I do note in the company FAQ that they state unless you have 25,000 or more in your trading account, you are limited to 3 8220round-trip8221 trades (buying and selling stocks in a single day) in any five-day rolling period (SEC rules). How severely this impacts the profitability of Cool Trade subscribers I8217m not sure, but it sounds pretty restricted (unless you have over 25,000 to play with). Subscriptions to Cool Trade are sold via the Cool Trade website for 3990 USD a year. Via the Cool Trader Pro MLM opportunity, Cool Trade software subscriptions are 3500 for the first year and 125 a month thereafter. The Cool Trader Pro Compensation Plan The basic premise behind the Cool Trader Pro compensation plan is that each sale of the Cool Trade software generates 1500 in commissions, either paid out directly to the affiliate that makes the sale or split amongst them and their upline. Before we get into that though we8217ll start off with the commission qualification requirements of the opportunity. All Cool Trader Pro affiliates must pass up the commissions of their first three sales, or two sales if they purchase a subscription to the Cool Trade software suite. This effectively means that Cool Trader Pro are using a 3up MLM compensation structure (the commissions on the first three sales are passed up and is required before an affiliate can earn commissions). After a Cool Trader Pro affiliate has qualified for commissions, they are then paid out according to membership rank: Associate 8211 500 Senior Associate 8211 1000 Director 8211 1100 Senior Director 8211 1200 National Director 8211 1300 Executive Director 8211 1400 Vice-Presidential Director 8211 1450 Presidential Director 8211 1500 Qualification for these membership ranks is determined via the use of a unilevel compensation structure. A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of the structure with each personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1). Each of these personally recruited affiliates forms a new 8220leg8221 and theoretically there are no limitations to how wide a unilevel compensation structure can be (how many new affiliates are recruited). If any of the affiliate8217s level 1 recruits go on to recruit new affiliates of their own they form level 2 of the original affiliate8217s unilevel team. If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates they form level 3 and so on and so forth. Using this structure, Cool Trader Pro ranks its affiliates according to the following qualification criteria: Associate 8211 join Cool Trader Pro as an affiliate for 149 Senior Associate 8211 make 2 personal subscription sales Director 8211 make 4 personal subscription sales and count one from your downline, or make at least 2 personal subscription sales and count 10 sales from your downline (no more than 60 of counted sales can come from any one unilevel leg) Senior Director 8211 make 6 personal subscription sales and count 4 from your downline, or make at least 3 personal subscription sales and count 20 sales from your downline National Director 8211 make 9 personal subscription sales and count 6 from your downline, or make at least 3 personal subscription sales and count 30 sales from your downline Executive Director 8211 make 12 personal subscription sales and count 13 from your downline, or make at least 3 personal subscription sales and count 50 sales from your downline Vice-Pres idential Director 8211 make 15 personal subscription sales and count 20 from your downline, or make at least 3 personal subscription sales and count 70 sales from your downline Presidential Director 8211 make 18 personal subscription sales and count 32 from your downline, or make at least 3 personal subscription sales and count 100 sales from your downline Director Fast Track Cool Trader Pro affiliates are able to 8220fast track8221 their way to the Director membership rank by making three Cool Trade subscription sales within their first 30 days of joining the company as an affiliate. Presidential Director Fast Track Cool Trader Pro affiliates are able to 8220fast track8221 their way to the Presidential Director membership rank by either making 12 personal subscription sales and counting an additional 23 from their downline within 90 days of joining the company as an affiliate or having 3 unilevel downline legs (3 personally recruited associates) that have generated a combined total of 70 subscription sales (no more than 40 counted from any one leg) within 90 days of joining the company as an affiliate As mentioned earlier, each Cool Trade subscription sales made by a Cool Trader Pro affiliate generates a 1500 commission, even if the affiliate making the sale is not ranked to earn the full commission. In these instances, the remaining commission is passed up to the affiliate8217s upline. As per the commission payouts above, the way this works is that the affiliate making the sale is paid at their commission level. Then the system searches their upline for a higher ranked affiliate and once found, they are then paid the remaining difference according to their membership rank. If this found affiliate is not a Presidential Director paid out the difference between the affiliate making the sale8217s commission and the 1500 total commission, the system then searches again for a higher ranked affiliate until eventually a Presidential Associate is found and the entire 1500 is paid out. Eg. If a Director sells a Cool Trade subscription they earn 1100. If their immediate upline was a Presidential Associate they8217d be paid the remaining 400 difference. If their remaining upline was only a Senior Director, they8217d be paid only 100 (the difference between 1100 (Director subscription commission rate) and 1200 (Senior Director subscription commission rate)). The system would then continue to search for a higher ranked upline to distribute the remaining 300 commission left and would do so until a Presidential Associate was found. This might happen directly if the upline of the Senior Director is Presidential Associate ranked or incrementally until a Presidential Associate is eventually found. Cool Train Bonus The Cool Train Bonus is paid out to the immediate upline (the affiliate who recruited them) of any affiliate who makes their first three pass up sales. The Cool Train Bonus is paid out irrespective of whether the immediate upline is qualified for overrides and is paid out at 250 if the upline has a Cool Trade software subscription and 125 if they don8217t. Cool Code Bonus The Cool Code Bonus is an additional commission paid out on the passed up sales of a new Cool Trader Pro affiliate. To qualify for the Cool Code Bonus Cool Trader Pro affiliates must recruit 2 new affiliates who have reached the Senior Associate membership rank (passed up three subscription sales commissions). The Cool Code Bonus is paid out as follows: Senior Associate 8211 100 Director 8211 125 Senior Director 8211 150 National Director 8211 175 Executive Director 8211 200 Vice-Presidential Director 8211 225 Presidential Director 8211 250 Presidential Director Generation Bonus The Presidential Director Generation Bonus is a 300 bonus paid out on each Cool Trade software subscription sale made by Cool Trader Pro affiliates. A 8220generation8221 within the bonus is defined as the sourcing of a Presidential Director within an individual unilevel leg. Eg. As a Cool Trader Pro affiliate, the affiliates found after the first ranked Presidential Associate in any one of your unilevel legs are defined as your first generation. The affiliates between this Presidential Associate and the next are defined as the second generation and so on and so forth. Using this system, any sales made by affiliates in these generations (up to six) pay out a commission as follows: 1st generation 100 2nd to 4th generation 50 5th and 6th generations 25 Joining Cool Trader Pro The affiliate joining fees for Cool Trader Pro are not mentioned anywhere on the website at the time of publication. Further research however reveals Cool Trader Pro affiliates advertising the affiliate joining cost at 149 upfront and then 29.95 a month thereafter. Update 28th February 2014 8211 Cool Trader Pro still do not disclose the cost of affiliate membership on their website, however further research reveals it to now be free to join and then 19.95 a month. Conclusion First and foremost I8217m going to clarify that I8217m no stock or finance expert and my knowledge in this area is extremely limited. With that in mind I can8217t comment on the usefulness of the Cool Trade software itself, other than noting it8217s been around for a while and appears to have enjoyed moderate sales success prior to the creation of Cool Trader Pro. Looking at the Cool Trader Pro opportunity from an MLM business point of view, several potential issues arise. First and foremost is the marketing strategy used by affiliates and the greater effect this might have on Cool Trader Pro in the long-term. Despite the claims in the Cool Trader Pro FAQ that they 8220are not responsible8221 for any claims their affiliates make yada yada yada, the simple fact of the matter is that as far as the authorities go, they are. All MLM companies are responsible for the conduct of their affiliates and time and 8220we can8217t control what our affiliates say or do8221 defense has, to the best of my knowledge, never held up. Why is this a potential issue If we look at what the Cool Trade software actually does and how the company itself markets it, there8217s a huge potential for advertising the merits of the software on projected profit returns via use of the software. Here8217s a snippet from Cool Trader Pro themselves, spruiking an affiliate promotion during prelaunch (late 2011): Rarely, if ever, does a technology come along with the possibility to immediately impact your financial future. We are now at that moment. And you are one of the fortunate few being extended an invitation to witness the future first hand Imagine going to Vegas knowing you are coming home a winner. Imagine knowing your football picks were winners every weekend. Now imagine the most genius programmer, the technology guru behind Microsoft, who after retiring with millions, spent the next 12 years dedicated personally to writing over 5 million lines of code to develop the most powerful program ever produced to help make you money. Simply turn on your computer on Monday morning and begin to change your financial future And you dont even have to be there It does it all for you. A fully automated, robotic, money machine. An 8220automated robotic money machine8221 you say Despite not being explicit in guaranteeing an income or ROI, the tone and intended attraction of the marketing pitch is obvious. Infact I even found at least two Cool Trader Pro affiliates publicly making the following claims Cool Trader Pro is a Stock Trading Robot that has been averaging about 5-10 each month for the past 7 yrs (Cool Trade) averages 5-10month, sometimes more if extreme volatility occurscan trade both buy and sell sides Made 20 profit in 20 minutes on Flash Crash Day The Power of the Cool Trade Pro Software is to Deliver Risk-Free Automated Performance on ANY of SIX Major Stock Markets While Yielding Consistent Returns of 5-10 Monthly These claims were made in early December and are still publicly viewable today, despite Cool Trader Pro claiming to have a 8220compliance department8221. Of importance is the fact that these claims aren8217t being used to market the software subscription but rather the Cool Trader Pro MLM income opportunity itself . With Cool Trader Pro affiliates running around the internet marketing the ROI potential of the Cool Trade software to attract new affiliates, when combined with the Cool Trader Pro compensation plan there8217s a huge potential red flag as Cool Trader Pro affiliates are paid out on the subscription sale to newly recruited Cool Trader Pro affiliates. One of the big challenges Cool Trader Pro are going to face is going to be maintaining a healthy affiliateretail customer (non-affiliate Cool Trade software user) ratio. With both the company itself and affiliates heavily marketing the ROI and income potential of the Cool Trade software, and the fact that affiliates earning commissions on the sale of the software to new affiliate recruits only heightens the probability that Cool Trader Pro is going to be mostly made up of affiliate software subscribers. Along with these internal consumption issues, income projections, quoted ROI figures and guarantees are also big red flags. Marketing aside, the My Trader Pro compensation plan also actively encourages affiliates to buy a software subscription themselves. Without a subscription new affiliates are looking at passing up three sales commissions (to either newly recruit affiliates or customers) before they can earn anything. With the purchase of a subscription sale themselves though, affiliates drop this pass up to just two sales. Furthermore the 8220Cool Train Bonus8221 is inexplicably halved if affiliates themselves do not themselves purchase a Cool Trade software subscription. I can8217t see any reason for this (three sales is three sales right) other than to incentivize Cool Trader Pro affiliates to buy a Cool Trade subscription themselves. I think the bigger problem here is that without an attached MLM opportunity, it8217s easy to sell the Cool Trade software on the merits of being an automated stock trading tool. Add an MLM income opportunity that pays out 1500 a pop on the sale of the software, regardless of whether your selling to retail customers or recruited affiliates and how the software tool is marketed becomes much more important. To be honest I don8217t really see how this sort of software could be marketed other than on the merits of its income potential and tracked past performance, which is a problem in itself. Not to mention the fact that if a new affiliate is sold on projected incomes, ROI and guarantees and then actually loses money 8211 that introduces an entirely different set of issues again. Are Cool Trader Pro affiliates going to be able to resist selling the income opportunity on the basis of projected ROIs and income via the Cool Trade software Current research and perusal of Cool Trader Pro affiliate marketing blogs and sales capture pages suggests 8220no8221. The potential for legitimacy is there in ultimately how many affiliate subscribers vs. retail subscribers Cool Trader Pro affiliates attract, but for now I8217d be thinking long and hard about getting involved with the My Trader Pro MLM opportunity at an affiliate level. Related Content I have thoroughly checked out Cool Trader Pro and the software. I have found it to be real and revolutionary. I purchased the software and look forward to building a business helping others make profits and build their life again. The banks and other investments don8217t even keep up with inflation and from a marketing side most business opportunities have services or products that are new. This is proven and at a nice price point. Wadhwa went bibi8230..they raise more red flags than a beach during a Category 5 hurricane8230 I haven8217t been able to find any information on Wadhwa leaving Cool Trader Pro, other than noting they8217ve replaced their 8220about us8221 page with an 8220information coming soon8221 page. Why did he leave He seemed to be the MLM face of the company so that8217s no small loss business wise. Why not contact the guy doing the business He made his contact information public and should have the inside story. Doubt he would risk his financial investment on gossip or false accusations. Something needs to burn in order to create smoke. Doubt the shills posting here will give you the real story as they spew corporate mantra out of fear or self-preservation. I8217ve been a user for about two months. I trade long only in an IRA. The software has been profitable. This may be a function of the bull market, but I8217ve been making a few hundred dollars a day on average. I don8217t run the software if the market looks negative on a given day. One big advantage is that it helps solve the common problem of hesitating before taking a position. The profitability makes up for many sins of course There are reliability issues. Support is not very timely. The programming and interface is almost amateurish considering that Ed is being marketed as a programming genius 8211 its almost as if the designer doesn8217t understand windows. The scalability is dubious, I have a very substantial account (at least considering the comments about 25K above) and I8217m not sure it can be used to make more than the few hundred a day. Candidate stocks to trade are selected by a screen, and it is difficult to imagine selecting candidates with enough volume to make trading over five hundred or so shares at a shot (all orders are market) profitable. Still I8217m on track for paying for the thing. If it keeps making money I8217m happy, unfortunately I8217m not sure I will be rich. As far as the software is concerned: Mostly written in V. B. Visual Basic 6.0 runtime files continue to be 32-bit only and all components must be hosted in 32-bit application processes. Must run XP compatibility mode from Vista onwards. Needs constant updating, testing and recoding from server end in addition to following MS recommended updates on client8217s end. To: Mike McCurdy You have not used Cool Trade in awhile. Brashly, I ask: what are you using (if anything) Back in 1998 8211 2000 I experimented boldly with the biggies: Tradestation, Equus, MetaStock all with mixed results. I think after two years I mostly broke even (except for my margin losses). Has anything really improved With the huge multiplication of 8220me too8221 sites such as 8220Top Ten reviews8221 that really dont review anything (they just collect key and adwords), getting 3rd party accurate information is a challenge. The holy grail is net profits with satistically limited risk. I am certainly open to ideas, but not paralyzed by analysis. Dart boards still don8217t work, either. Obrigado. Hurricane Chantal Fizzles82308230.warnings still in effect82308230 Im a big believer in due diligence. Your web site list co-founders Cary Flanders and a Nick Rausch as co-owners of a very successful hedge fund. Your very successful hedge fund co-owner Cary Flanders is named as a defendant in some seven civil court actions in Maricopa County Arizona, Utah etc Meanwhile: Discover RV sold me a 1995 Ford F250 truck from their lot in El Mirage AZ. for 14,000 cash. I was informed that i would have the title the next day. This was Jan.14th. 2002. After repeated calls to the manager requesting my title i was instucted to call the companys attorney in Washington state. The attorney for Discovery RV informed me that the money i had paid had been stolen by the manangers of discover RV, and they were sorry, but no title. I contacted the Arizona DMV who directed me to the Arizona Attorney Generals office. From them i learned that Discovery RV had ripped-off 13 people in this manner to the tune of 400,000. at this point I am out 14k, have a truck i cannot use because i cannot register it, or get plates. No one at DMV or AZ attorney gen. office will tell me anything. It is like it all dropped into a black hole. Case Number: CV2002-003290 Judge: French, Colleen File Date: 2192002 Location: Northeast Case Type: Civil Party Information Party Name Relationship Sex Attorney William G Beattie Plaintiff Male Don Crampton Patsy Ann Beattie Plaintiff Female Don Crampton Discover R V Inc Defendant None Pro Per Cary Flanders Defendant Male Pro Per Your other very successful hedge fund co-owner Nick Rausch shows as the former owner of Prime Time Lending, a mortgage broker in Scottsdale, AZ and MJM Capital Group yet another Arizona real estate scam. What8217s the name of that 8220very successful hedge fund8221 As for you Chris, you show as a Global Resorts Network Distributor selling vacations at timeshares. My free advice, this is a scam from a group with a history of scams. Here is a quick review of my experience using the program. I am an affiliate, but not done much about promoting it and not a single saleconvert is the result. I8217m not in it for the MLM but if people do want to sign up through me I wouldn8217t say no I would be a pretty rubbish upline regarding technical issues or constant motivational updates. Wether the MLM deal is good or bad I have no idea. (Ozedit: Then I8217m going to stop you there, this isn8217t a software review site) How much money would it take you to STAB your best friend in the back. I just found out It doesn8217t take much for this Nick Rausch character to do it. 8230it8217s not defamatory if it8217s the truth. Why hasn8217t anyone mentioned Automated Capital Systems. The same people are involved8230. These guys are busy. semiopen : Ive been a user for about two months. I trade long only in an IRA. The software has been profitable. This may be a function of the bull market, but Ive been making a few hundred dollars a day on average. I dont run the software if the market looks negative on a given day. I mostly agree with semiopen. I8217ve been using CoolTradePro for about 3 months. Our results have been modest. Y I agree with semiopen8217s review. Ive been using CoolTradePro for about 3 months. My results have been a modest loss but with promise in the right market. My results (and everyone8217s) depend entirely on the trading program and conditions that are set, and on the reliability of the program. CoolTrade strategies are highly customizable, although not for a rank amateur to easily understand. The system does come with pre-loaded strategies for newbies to try out. My issue with CoolTrader is the crashing, conflicts and unreliability of the program. As semiopen points out, the software looks amateurish, and that seems to reflect the underlying programming as well. I8217ve had to make numerous technical support calls. The system won8217t start automatically as it8217s supposed to, or when it does start then crashes. It won8217t start the broker interface as it8217s supposed to, thus requiring babysitting in the morning. I8217ve taken to calling it 8220Crueltrader8221. If they improved the software reliability and startup issues I could recommend it, but there are too many hair-pulling issues (especially for the price they want to charge) to recommend Cooltrade. I8217ve been trading full time for 13 years, and have good knowledge of trading systems and software packages. If anyone thinks that off-the-shelf 8220systems8221 like those promoted by CoolTrade can consistently make money, then they need their head examined. There8217s a sucker born every minute. I agree with Rick, and despite having sort of got my original money out of it, depending on how one looks at the tax issues. I also have to agree with Dave Martin8217s comments. It is a mental deficiency that caused me to buy it 8211 fortunately I can live with this 8211 but it has to rank as one of the ten dumbest things I8217ve done as a trader. I think the software will generally make money if it is run on days that the market is strong. However, commissions are a real issue. I use Interactive brokers and set up an account at TD Ameritrade to run it with the 1000 promotion and 300 free trades. They charged me regular commissions by mistake for a few weeks and my account wasn8217t profitable until they backed out the commissions. Theoretically, commissions at TD are negotiable with the extra volume the software generates, but I doubt they can be good enough to make money. There is an old half price deal they used to have but that doesn8217t seem like enough to me. I also traded at IB where the commissions give one a fighting chance to make money. However the software has a defect where it doesn8217t register sells when eliminating positions at IB at end of day. These have to be handled by a manual procedure which is quite time consuming and irritating. Technical support amazingly didn8217t think this was a bug, the whole point of the thing is that it is supposed to run unattended. This was several months ago and I might download a new version one of these days to see if they have fixed this. At the moment though, I8217m just glad the experience is over. I opened an account with 9925 in it At the end of Sept. 2013 It is now worth 7785. Was told that I should easily make 7 to 10 a month by using the system8230 Not Quite Had plenty of technical issues and it was all my fault. What a bunch of BS. I guess if you have 25k and by the blue chips you may have a chance. WTC . I opened an account with 9925 in it At the end of Sept. 2013 It is now worth 7785. Was told that I should easily make 7 to 10 a month by using the system Not Quite are you saying you sent 9925 in 8220CASH8221 and you now have an 8220ACCOUNT8221 worth 7785. IOW, they have the money and you have numbers on a screen. Thank you to all who took the time to write and review this trading system. I got a call about it tonight, but the hard sell always throws up red flags for me. Told the salesman that I WOULD NOT make a decision without further research. You all told me just what I needed to know. It helps so much when people share their experiences, good and bad Thanks again. My mother just informed me that she bought Cool Trader Pro (for 3 years of use) for 3500 2 weeks ago and. She also is an agent with a log-in to their training site and was told she makes 800 of a sale. I could not find the link they promise to download CoolTrade so I just emailed them. She paid through PayPal which has buyer protection. SHE thinks it is not a scam because, if it were, they wouldn8217t have given her online training webinars (which are probably not really LIVE at all) or spent so much time with her on the phone. She says they told her that MLM marketing was not suitable for their product so they stopped doing that. They told her that it will make her 1 to 2 PER MONTH on trades. HOWEVER, the comments here indicate that the commissions paid to TD ameritrade etc. EAT THAT GAIN UP Is that correct And taxes Were the negative comments about software glitches and crashing and compatibility issues about an old version or about the current Cool Trade Pro So8230 everyone 8220almost8221 breaks even or loses a couple thousand I saw an article from June 2013 that says that High Frequency computer trading is no longer lucrative. Does it work in the current market I would REALLY appreciate it if someone can tell me if I should contact paypal to get her money back ASAP PLEASE HELP Thank you After watching 5 training videos and taking notes about Limit Orders, Stop Loss, Trailing Stop, Shorting, ETS, 50 amp 200 day moving average, 12 amp26 day EMA, MACD, etc8230 I am VERY interested in getting into trading WITH SMALL AMOUNTS OF MONEY TO LEARN (even in a MANUAL mode) because I love numbers and am very analytical etc8230 In fact, I have always had 8220a feeling8221 that I would be good at stock trading. So, IS THERE a GOOD program to use that doesn8217t cost 3500 or should I just sign up with TD ameritrade and do it manually I would REALLY appreciate it if someone can tell me if I should contact paypal to get her money back ASAP PLEASE HELP Thank you SO MUCH My mom DOES NOT have 3,500 to lose8230 she would have to default on her credit card CTP is a bullst scam run by crooks. Buy and 8220maybe8221 sell isn8217t an investment strategy. You are taking on tremendous risk and don8217t even know due to their bullst accounting. Your reports are useless as they only show profit and not mark-to-mark profit loss on total positions. This is the scam that 8220affiliates8221 show to newbieschum. Also, their 8220no refund8221 policy sets it up as ponzipyramid scheme. They take in cash up front and never have to payout refunds or even offer a review period. What legit provider does this NONE. Imagine the cash they made-3,0004,000 a pop, cancelled the MLM business, didn8217t pay out refunds or commissions and just walked away from all the bullsht. Reason you don8217t see much negativity about them is that most people feel stupid and cheated by them. They are embarrassed to report this to authorities, families or friends. All the 8220good8221 things reported are shills, employees at 8220headquarters8221 or fake identities made up by the ownersemployees. Internet can make you look bigger than you really are. 7 Robo Advisors That Make Investing Effortless 8211 Forbes: 8220Jack Hirshout8221 appears to be a an astroturfer plant. He or she attempted to leave additional flattering comments under a different name, with a completely different backstory. I8217ve as such removed all comments by this individual, including replies. Matt . SHE thinks it is not a scam because, if it were, they wouldnt have given her online training webinars (which are probably not really LIVE at all) or spent so much time with her on the phone. That8217s EXACTLY WHY they WOULD spend so much time with her on the phone8230 They can squeeze 3500 out of her for less than a hour8217s work and some crappy Youtube videos. Even if they have to split it couple different ways it8217s still a good payday, and make her feel NOT cheated. Search 8220The Verge Syndicate8221 which should take you to 8220The Verge8221 website8217s article on this syndicate of online scammers who has a clique of such scammers whose only job is to squeeze money out of old and sick people who can8217t afford to lose money in hopes of making more. They have a boilerhouse full of these cold callers who will offer discounts, additional training, bonus seminars, etc. etc. just to keep you on the line and give them your credit card. Thanks to K Chang for the link. These CTP clowns wish that they were as slick as the Syndicate boys8230. What a bunch of whiners You can8217t blame cool trade for losing money. Blame the strategy you pick I8217ve been simulating For 1.5 years and have never lost. I8217ve manually closed trades and some have come behind But that8217s why you have to test strategies to find something you like or works If you are worried about a measly 4 grand then get a job a Walmart and don8217t take any risks. You won8217t gain a thing being a depressing negative user. Tim . Ive been simulating For 1.5 years and have never lost. Wait, does that mean you8217ve been paying 4K for nothing Tim : Ive been simulating For 1.5 years and have never lost. Neither have I. I have been simulating investments for several years, and I have never lost anything. Wow, never would have joined Cool Trade Pro don8217t like MLM Tim is right you have to test, although 1.5 years is way too long. Be conserved in the be early stages. Use Dow 30 with a low stop loss. they have worked out the bugs and no complaints. The last correction made the trader alot of money. The biggest problem is GREED you want to make too much money too soon. IT WON8217T HAPPEN. Be smart and pick a strategy that doesn8217t take a lot of risk. as for cool trade pro I have heard nothing but negative comments and they sound like crooks. don8217t like the comp plan and would have never joined. but they are now giving the company a bad name. hope is all works out for you mlmers. I used CoolTtade for almost two years with poor results, and then I dropped it. First of all, the software is OLD, dog slow, and a major bloatwear memory hog. Because of this, it crashes often, even on a high-end machine. The strategies one can build rely upon fundamental analysis primarily, and the most rudimentary of indicators. There are no advanced indicators or methods like Fibonnaci, Channeling or trend lines. The software is so slow, that a rapidly moving market will blow past your stop loss, causing you to lose a LOT more than you expected. The customer support SUCKED, and the user forum was dead. It takes MONTHS of strategy testing to get a reasonable outcome. Most strategies require a lot of cash just to make a little cash. The built-in strategies are simplistic and mediocre at best. CootTrade used to charge 39 per month 4 years ago. That8217s right 8211 you read me correctly. THIRTY-NINE DOLLARS PER MONTH. I couldn8217t believe Ed is now charging 3,990 up front for a yearly subscription just a few years and no real improvements later Ed had a heavily revolving door because most people couldn8217t make it work, and they dropped the program. SAVE YOUR MONEY DO NOT SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PROGRAM AT THIS PRICE You will be wasting the first several months trying to get it to go live with some profit. Leave a Reply. CoolTrade Automates FOREX With FXCM FOR FOREX TRADERS GET ACCESS TO TOOLS, FEATURES, AND STRATEGIES NEVER BEFORE AVAILABLE Most FOREX trading platforms offer black box strategies that give you no control or insight. Ou a caixa preta faz o dinheiro ou ele doesnt - final da história, e youre esquerda querendo saber por que ele fez ou didnt comércio. CoolTrade lhe dá controle de todos os aspectos de uma estratégia de negociação. Se você usa seu próprio ou alguém elses, CoolTrade soletra para fora a lógica da estratégia para você. A qualquer momento durante o dia de negociação, CoolTrade permite que você saiba as regras que estão permitindo ou impedindo comércios. Um simples ponto e clique em tela lhe dá controle de: negociação quantidades seus objetivos de lucro seus requisitos de proteção de lucro regras para que symbolpairs para assistir regras para quando abrir uma posição (longa ou curta) regras para quando adicionar às posições regras para quando fechar Uma posição centenas de indicadores técnicos CoolTrades robô monitores todos os indicadores técnicos para você, mais rápido e mais eficiente. Ele pode detectar condições e executar suas regras mais rápido do que qualquer humano, tendo lucro para você repetidamente. Os comerciantes manuais são propensos a perder indicadores ou dar em emoção, resultando em maus negócios. Além disso, para melhorar o seu sucesso comercial, a nossa plataforma inclui Profit Protection e Profit Maximation características que você não vai encontrar em qualquer outro lugar. Para não mencionar, a capacidade de comércio em StealthMode. Quando você comercial furtivo com CoolTrade, suas ordens são escondidas do mundo permitindo que você varrer dentro sob o radar para fazer o comércio aos preços que você quer. COMEÇAR Para automatizar suas contas Demo ou Live do FXCM com seu Tradutor Robótico CoolTrade, clique aqui para assinar o CoolTrade. Se você for um comerciante de ações interessado em Forex Você pode automatizar suas contas de demonstração FXCM ou Live com seu comerciante robótico CoolTrade. Negociação de ações e negociação de pares de símbolos Forex é quase idêntico ao sistema CoolTrade. Um PIP de 50,4 é simplesmente o terceiro a quinto lugar decimal do preço das ações: 1,04 504 ou cerca de 12 centavos. Assim, com CoolTrade, a criação de estratégias para o Forex é tão simples e poderoso como suas outras estratégias de equidade. O CoolTrade é um Provedor de Serviços registrado com o FXCM Se você possui uma conta Standard ou Mini existente no FXCM, preencha o formulário abaixo para registrar sua conta FXCM conosco. Para usar o CoolTrade com sua conta Forex do FXCM, envie o formulário acima. Para processar este pedido, alguns usuários do CoolTrade podem receber um novo número de conta FXCM. Observação: Para processar este pedido, os clientes CoolTrade podem receber um novo número de conta FXCM que está internamente associado ao sistema CoolTrade. Além disso, as informações apresentadas devem corresponder às informações arquivadas no FXCM ou o formulário da web não pode ser processado. FXCM LLC, FXCM Ltd. e FXCM Austrália Ltd. são entidades legais independentes e não estão afiliadas com o CoolTrade. A FXCM não endossa nenhum produto ou serviço descrito neste site. CoolTrade acts as a Service Provider for FXCM and the FXCM platform is able to support CoolTrade technology.

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